2016-02-20 23:27 GMT+01:00 jd1008 <jd1008@gmail.com>:
You cannot set the number of the patch in the spec file to match some other spec
file. If you do, then you need to re-number all the other patch files in mentioned
in the spec file. Setting the number for the patch you want, you will mess up the
sequence of patches which are often sequentially dependent.
Best thing to do is is choose a number for the patch that is not currently assigned
to any other patch in the pristine spec file. So, if you have, say... 10 patches in the
pristine spec file, create an entry for patch 11  in the spec file.

This is no guarantee the patch will succeed.

That's no what i did.
I checked all the patches numbers and i set my patch number at last number + 1 to set a not used number.