OK, I am having a challenging time with my video drivers, which I am not complaining, I knew this whole process  was going to be an experience builder, I like a challenge. I am a game designer in the works that is why I am liking this OS because of all the different developing software they have that are open source. Any way I finally fingered out how to use the terminal to install the ATI drivers for my card, strait from ati web site, run the aticonfig, which i dont know if I am soppost to modify any thing, reboot and it loads to the blue and white load screen and freezes. had to reinstall fresh. You said      

 " I'm sure Kevin Kofler will have more to say on this subject, as he seems to be more up-to-date on the state of the free ATI drivers than I am."
If you could forward this to him or tell me where to contact him via email, 

I do not think I am installing XFree86-Mesa-libGL correct. Pretty sure I got the rest,  libstdc++, libgcc, XFree86-libs, fontconfig, freetype, zlib, gcc
Display1:  PCI express 2.0 1 gig ATI Radeon HD 4670
Display2: Onbord ATI Radeon™ X1200 -- I dont use Onbord
  sys info: Acer Aspire M1100
       BIOS:  Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
       AMD Athlon 64X2Dual 4400+ 2.3Ghz
       6 gig ram

    OS Dual boot: Fadora 11 64bit rawhide and vista home 32bit

I can not do any 3D modeling  or relly anything that has to use any 3D rendering like some of the 3d games you can install and the desktop effects will not enable.