Just got that very device for my daughters for Christmas. F18 works great on them. I can't recall any issues with installation either.

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From: Jack Craig <jack.craig.aptos@gmail.com>;
To: Community support for Fedora users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>;
Subject: Fedora on Samsung 15" ultrabook?
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 4:03:36 PM

Hi Folks,

I am wondering if anyone has tried Fedora (17/18) on a Samsung ultrabook.


the hw specs are in the range of my desktop and i'd like to replace a lost
macbook, but short on resources,...

if the wireless worked, it might be a good solution.

F17 is doing wonderfully on my desktop, so i wonder how about roaming?? ...

anyone? Thx!  jackc...