On Tuesday 18 June 2013 16:18:14 Alan Gagne wrote:
> Try to use xinput for both mouse and touchpad.
>   xinput list
> # xinput list_props "$device_name_or_number"
> xinput list-props 10
> Turn on three button emulation.
> xinput set-prop 10 "Evdev Middle Button Emulation" 1
> Alan

The problem with the touchpad is that it's seen as a PS/2 device which from 
Google is an old problem that seems to have re-appeared.

I've run 

"xinput set-prop 14 "Evdev Middle Button Emulation" 1

and it's got the Left+Right mouse button click to work on my USB mouse.

How do I go about making this permenant?

I haven't used KDE for quite a long time so YMMV.

Create a script with the xinput set command and make it executable.
Test to make sure it works.
Then Goto System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Autostart, then click Add Program, enter:
your script.
