>On 23/01/13 08:26, William Murray wrote:Allegedly, on or about 23 January 2013, William Murray sent:
>> in ./NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ and looks at new network
>> connections. 
>> If it sees one machine some criteria it calls a backup script
>> in /etc/cron.daily/ which rsyncs various directories between my laptop
>> and a desktop machine. This worked will in F17 and many
>> previous versions.
>>     In F18 the rsync command fails to connect:
>>   dbus-daemon[938]: Could not create directory '/root/.ssh'.
>>   dbus-daemon[938]: Host key verification failed.
>> If I run either of the scripts as root interactively then they work.
>> But not when NetworkManager tries  to run them. Any idea what might be
>> wrong? Both end already have /root/.ssh, so this error confuses me.
>First thought:  The scripts run by the dispatcher probably aren't being
>run as the root user.

Thanks...I tried echoing the output of 'whois' but that says root. 
>Second thought, unrelated to the problem, but a common enough gotcha for
>any automatically run scripts:  Sometimes scripts don't run in the same
>environment as you're used to, as a user.  So it can be better to write
>the full path to any command, rather than just use the command name, and
>hope that it's in the search path of the script's environment.  /bin
>probably is, but you never know with /sbin, and the various ones
>inside /usr.
The thing is that rsync is being run - does it matter how?. I dug a bit
deeper though, and turned up the debug on sshd on the server, and diffed the output.

I see 'good' and 'bad' attempts are the same up to 
"expecting SSH2_MGG_NEWKEYS received [preauth]"
but that then a login launched by NetworkManager says
"Connection closed by XXX.YYY.ZZZ.??? [preauth]"
while one from me logged in as root says:
 "SSH2_MGG_NEWKEYS received [preauth]"

Does this give any clues?

Bill Murray                     ----                       ATLAS
STFC RAL at: Bat 40 4-C28, CERN,1211 Meyrin, Geneve 23, Switzerland
  Tel:- CERN +41 22 7678432    or  RAL +44 (0)1235 446256