> Make a record of the error. Useful for anyone investigating to have.
> Not sure what you mean by 'logs out' though if the kernel isn't
> booting. Is it stopping with an error immediately after grub, is it
> getting as far as trying to start X?
> Akmod and the proprietary Radeon driver are from rpmfusion, it may be
> worth asking on their mailing list
> http://lists.rpmfusion.org/mailman/listinfo/rpmfusion-users
> It's been a while since I've used an akmod, but occassionally they run
> into problems building and it's worth trying the kmod that matches the
> kernel and driver version instead.

I tried with kmod too, same problem. The system loads, then it abruptly closes and I see an error like "Sorry, the system crashed" with a log out button. Clicking it does nothing