On 01/29/2013 12:41 PM, JOYCE POLZIN wrote:
> In either case, the cd command itself returns no such file or directory.
> Also interestingly enough root can mount this directory without an issue
> with the correct credentials.

Just to be clear, is root mounting this directory (as you write here) or
using cd to get to that directory as you describe at the top?  It's not
clear to me which of the two you mean and it does make a difference
because you can't cd to a directory in a partition that's not mounted.
(Assuming the mount point exists, of course, you can cd to that, but
under normal circumstances it will be empty.)

Root can manually mount the directory ie mount -t cifs -o user=xxx,password=yyy [ UNC] [TARGET]

A mortal user cannot cd, nor can root same results in /var/log/messages depending upon value of sec in /etc/auto.cifs.  Yes, auto.cifs is mentioned in auto.master

/cifs /etc/auto.cifs -timeout=30