On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Daniel B. Thurman <dant@cdkkt.com> wrote:
 On 08/24/2010 12:17 PM, JD wrote:
>   On 08/24/2010 11:34 AM, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>> Previous kernel version was at least very stable, but
>> today, when I ran the new kernel release, going 45
>> minutes into doing things, all of a sudden, my screen
>> changed to a light-blue screen with the Fedora infinity
>> logo in the middle and stop working completely.  No
>> activity whatsoever.  Could not access it locally nor
>> remotely, so I was forced to do a hard reboot.
>> I hope this was just a fluke...
> In the past, has your keyboard flaked out?
> I had a flaky keyboard that would on occasion
> send random sequences and cause a logout or
> screen change, ..etc.
No, I have not had any keyboard problems, as
far as I can tell...

But what I was doing at the time was typing text
on a forum via Firefox...  so it is interesting that
you brought this up!  I was still typing away when
all of a sudden, the BSOD popped up....  weird.  Is
it Halloween yet?

Can't say that it's the keyboard fault or the person
beating on the keyboard mercilessly. :)

I just don't know.  I think I will just wait and see if
this keyboard "coincidence" comes up again....

My keyboard was seizing up as well today.  Actually, as I flipped between terminal sessions (with "focus-follows-mouse"), the cursor would NOT activate and clicking on a Gnome menu would not drop the menu down.  Restarting the gnome-session fixed it.  So, it may be the kernel or it may be one of the other updates that came flying down the pipe this morning.

Rick Stevens, Nerd Manifique