On 11/23/20 9:17 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Nov 23, 2020, at 19:05, Richard Kimberly Heck <rikiheck@lyx.org> wrote:

LyX refuses to start, blocking at a call to
lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) at support/filetools.cpp, during startup. (I believe that fd here points at a file on the NFS share.)

Did you end up using NFSv4?  It sounds like a locking problem but the implementation differs significantly between v3 and v4.

I believe it is v3 on the server. If I specify nfs4 as the filesystem type, then I get:

mount.nfs4: mounting failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory

The directory exists, so I guess it must not be exported that way.

Here's the relevant portion of /etc/fstab on the client:     /home/rikiheck/files nfs auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,exec,_netdev 0 0                  /mnt/mail/multi      nfs auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0             /mnt/mail/photos     nfs auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0
