FWIW, I can boot the computer from the grub prompt with this. 

grub> set root=(lvm/fedora/root)
rub> ls (hd0, gpt2)/
grub> linuxefi (hd0,gpt2)/linuz-4.14.13-300.fc27.x86_64 root=/dev/mapper/fedora-root   (or the rescue kernel)
grub>initrdefi (hd0,gpt2)/initramfs-4.14.13-300.fc27.x86_64.img

#ls /system/call/net   Find Ethernet adapter.   In may case it was enp3s0
#ifup enp3s0

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 4:28 PM linux guy <linuxguy123@gmail.com> wrote:
When I get to step #8 (grub2-install --boot-directory=/boot /dev/sda) on this page (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GRUB_2#Create_a_GRUB_2_configuration), it fails with a can't find efi directory error.

What am I doing wrong ?

Should this work to boot my computer from the grub command prompt ?  

set root=(hd0,gpt6)
set prefix=(hd0,gpt6)/boot/grub
insmod normal

I've been booting it another, longer way.