On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 11:11 AM Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@courier-mta.com> wrote:
I'm not sure when Fedora switched to the current tigervnc systemd-based 
configuration, but:

I've been using tigervnc to log in to an Ubuntu box, and it was simple to 
set up tigervnc on Ubuntu for remote access. I just tried the same on Fedora 
and was informed that launching vncserver was "deprecated", and pointed 
towards the documentation for Fefora's systemd-based configuration.

Reading through that, the following limitation is a showstopper for me:

# # Limitations
# You will not be able to start a Tigervnc server for a user who is already
# logged into a graphical session.

That's a no-go for me. My Fedora system is configured to automatically log 
into a graphical desktop. This won't work for me, then.

This is not a limitation on Ubuntu. It's too bad that Fedora cannot do the 

With systemd, configured VNC Servers are started at boot, so unless you 
are adding new users without configuring VNC, you shouldn't need to start
a server from a GUI session.   I find, however, that I rarely need  VNC as 
web-based remote systems (e.g., Rstudio server, Jupyter) meet my needs.

George N. White III