Thank you Mr. Greshko and others.     I know there are all kinds of info on wiki pages and educational
videos about Fedora on the web.     I will keep trying to learn.      I may have reached my peak brain-capacity
trying to live in Rawhide.    But I get a warm fuzzy feeling when it updates, especially where there is a huge

I do not keep anything important on my computer, that is not somewhere on the cloud ( or is it "in" the cloud or Cloud ?? )

I have updated my Rawhide installs about 150 to 200 times, and I do not ever recall the computer being borked.     Maybe
a few error messages here and there, mostly related to rpmfusion, and when I was experimenting with that UnitedRPM thing
( which looks like it is a two-person collaboration ?? ).

When I did my first install of Linux a little more than 4 years ago.      I had a totally different opinion of it, than I do now.      I thought
Linux was going to be a cheap-clone of Windows that only offered marginal performance.   I had only planned to use it to test
my computer, until I could afford to purchase a copy of Windows 8 ( LOL ! )     I could not understand why
multi-booting distros in different partitions was such a hassle with GRUB.    I had no idea what a virtual OS was.     I could not easily
distinguish one distro from another.    I spent nearly a year in Mageia 6 when it was still under development, and liked it, but
once I learned to live in Rawhide, I did not see any reason to distro-hop.    I have an empty NVMe drive on my motherboard
and I was thinking about putting some other distros on it in partitions, mostly just the ones I have never tried, or the new
experimental ones.  

David Locklear