On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 5:55 AM murph nj <murphnj+fedora@gmail.com> wrote:
Funny, after I posted this, I found where the email acknowledgements for the tests came in, and then, a flood of badge messages as well.  So, problem solved.  If someone did something in the background, thanks!

You are welcome :)
The badges system at least for Kernel Regression Testing is automated and you will continue to receive the badges hereon!

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 4:02 PM murph nj <murphnj+fedora@gmail.com> wrote:
Not that the badges are the important part, they are fun, so here's a question.  

How does one find out if the suite was run correctly?  I ran them in the past, both by running it with the .config file with my credentials, as well as putting it in the testday wiki.  (I think the 5.10, or maybe earlier?)  Is one or the other sufficient?  

Never got the badge, nor do I recall any kind of feedback as to it being accepted and useful.  I've run one this time as well.

I'm still running it, and happy to do so to help the cause, but the badge would be fun as well.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 4:32 AM Sumantro Mukherjee <sumukher@redhat.com> wrote:
Hey All,

I would like to invite all of you to participate in the Kernel 5.15
Test week is happening from 2021-11-14 to 2021-11-21. It's
fairly simple, head over to the wiki [0] and read in detail about the
test week and simply run the test case mentioned in[1] and enter your

As usual, the Fedora QA team will hangout at #fedora-test-day@libera.chat
for question and

If you are someone who is just starting out, remember that we give out
badges[2] for
testing new Kernel Builds!
Collect 'em now :)

[0] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2021-11-14_Kernel_5.15_Test_Week
[1] https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/125
[2] https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/science-kernel-tester-i

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