On Sat, 28 Dec 2013 23:56:30 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
What "dependency error" did it report?
And how did you query the installed packages as well as the remote
repos for what would be available _after_ the upgrade?

Many users still misread such error messages and don't manage to work
around them as a result. Often, the installed packages are okay, but
during they upgrade they would get replaced and break dependencies.
The exact error message was "WARNING: problems were encountered during transaction test: broken dependencies kmod-VirtualBox-3.12.5-200.fc19.x86_64-4.3.6-1.fc19.1.x86_64 requires kernel-3.12.5-200.fc19.x86_64 Continue with upgrade at your own risk." In response I removed kmod-VirtualBox, akmod-VirtualBox, and VirtualBox. Then I did a fedup --clean and reattempted fedup --network 20. This went well until the reboot. Following the reboot I select the Fedup option, but nothing really happened. I ended up back in my Fedora 19 system while running the new Fedora 20 kernel. As an update on the other machine where I was having problems with the net install. I checked for any meaningful logs but found that none exist. The /var/log directory hasn't even been created. So, then I tried to run a grub2-mkconfig, grub2-install, dracut series to potentially fix the problem. The file sizes did change a bit, but the end result was the same. Brian