Hello Sam,

Yes, it seems that some packages in Fedora pulls down more dependencies than I would like; for instance removing the GNOME Desktop group (if it actually existed) should only remove everything GNOME-related stuff and only that, not whatever else on what it may depend. Conversely, one should be able to install X or Wayland separately - at least that's how I used with Arch and Gentoo albeit RHEL seems more close to Debian in this regard.

About the question I made, I think it is quite self-explanatory: there are groups for every-other Desktop Environment (even one for Window Managers) but there's none for GNOME Desktop. Of course I believe one could go and remove leftovers by hand, what I say is that's strange - just to say something - that there isn't a meta-group that takes care of that.


On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 8:58 PM, Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@courier-mta.com> wrote:
Martin Cigorraga writes:

Hi all,

I'm a newcomer to Fedora and still learning its ways so excuse me if my question sounds stupid.
Now, I want to remove GNOME from my install as I use i3; from what I saw there's no gnome-group or similar goup available, how should I proceed?

You want to remove Gnome, and then what? Without Gnome, you do not have an X desktop.

Perhaps you want to switch from Gnome to another window manager, like XFCE or KDE. Well, after installing the appropriate group, you should have an option to switch your session to the new window manager, when logging in.

Although, in my case, when I finally had enough of Gnome, and switched to XFCE, I found that my login user environment was too polluted with various Gnome-related flotsam, even after I logged into XFCE. To make a clean break, I had to create a new userid, move/change ownership of all documents and files, to the new userid, then delete the old one.

Of course, all of the old baggage still remains installed, after that. A small waste of disk space, mostly. I should, one of these days, go over and clean up as much of the unused Gnome stuff as I can find.

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