On 05/21/2016 05:16 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sat, 2016-05-21 at 12:30 -0400, Corey 'linuxmodder' Sheldon wrote:
try with gpg (or gpg2 if installed):

gpg -o ~/localpath -se /path/to/foo.txt  and set the recipient to 
keyid does that also scream  'no secret  key' ?
It asked for a passphrase, then warned me that there is no assurance
that the recipient key belongs to the named user. Otherwise it worked.
receipient's key is  in trustdb ?
Note that:

1) when doing this in Evolution, I don't get asked for the passphrase.
There should be  a  'clear saved passphrase'  option on next  use uncheck 'use passphrase a
2) the passpharase is different from my login password.
3) gnome-keyring-d is running but there appear to be two processes,
which is suspicious.
is one tied to gpg-agent?
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Corey Sheldon
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Ameridea , FedoraProject
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