On 10/6/22 00:34, Todd Zullinger wrote:
Robert McBroom via users wrote:
Installed the server version of Fedora in a lvm physical
Quickly started running out of space.  Created a second
physical volume and used vgextend to add it to the volume

~]# vgextend fedora_hpz440 /dev/nvme0n1p6

Increased the size of the logical volume with some of the
space of the second physical volume.

 ~]# lvextend -L +150G /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root
Adding --resizefs to the lvextend command would do the
trick.  That calls fsadm to do the resizing, so you could
just run fsadm now to finish resizing the underlying
filesystem.  Something like:

    fsadm resize /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root

Though it's worth reading fsadm(8) to check the options.  It
has a check command as well as --dry-run (-n) for use with
the resize command.

The fsadm command is a convenient tool to resize various
types of filesystems.  You could also use one of the tools
for your specific filesystem.  Fedora Server uses xfs, IIRC,
so xfs_growfs would be that tool.  For ext{2,3,4}, you can
use the resize2fs tool.

I'd use fsadm for its simplicity here.  And even better is
letting lvextend call it in the future. ;)

fsadm resize /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root

did nothing.

Had some space so tried

lvextend -L +10G --resize /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root

which worked.

Looking at the fsadm man page and on the web there seems to be some ambiguity on the proper format of the device name.

  total used in directory 0 available 4 MiB
  drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root   60 Oct  7 16:21 .
  drwxr-xr-x. 21 root root 4800 Oct  5 21:40 ..
  lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root    7 Oct  7 16:21 root -> ../dm-0

different from

/dev/vg/lv/ in documentation.

  total used in directory 0 available 4 MiB
  drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root      80 Oct  7 16:21 .
  drwxr-xr-x. 21 root root    4800 Oct  5 21:40 ..
  crw-------.  1 root root 10, 236 Oct  5 21:39 control
  lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root       7 Oct  7 16:21 fedora_hpz440-root -> ../dm-0