On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 12:07 PM home user <mattisonw@comcast.net> wrote:
(f30 -> f31; gnome)

I tried to upgrade my system from f30 to f31 as per the instructions.  I
"dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=31"
Failed.  The results are in the first attachment (problem1.txt).

Perhaps some packages were dropped in f31? A lot of python packages were moved from Python 2 to Python 3. Some may not be upgrading properly or pre retired.

I would try two things:

1. Do a "dnf distro-sync" to see if you have anything weird going on (manually installed RPMs, etc). 

If it says everything is fine the you need to work the problems 1 at a time. The first could be causing the rest so start with it.

If you do "dnf erase python2-libmodulemd" will anything important removed with it?
