On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 3:43 AM François Patte <francois.patte@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:

I recently upgraded my system from f28 to f29, after some problems with
lvm (see my other post...) the system was ok, but today I faced new
problems: selinux went crazy... refusing to start mariadb. A lot of
notifications appeared on my screen and I tried to do what these
notifications suggested... but after reboot problems are the same as if
I did not do anything!

Obviously this isn't a pervasive problem or others would have already reported it. I have upgraded 3 desktop towers and 4 laptops and haven't seen anything like this. I have run into selinux issues occasionally and if I can't figure it out I usually end up doing a:

$ touch /.autorelabel

Just to reset all the selinux contexts in case something got wonky. 

I updated my system, but after reboot on kernel 4.19.6-300.fc29.x86_64,
the boot process stops after "reached target system default". And I had
to boot on the previous kernel ( 4.19.5-300.fc29.x86_64). But the
selinux problem remains and I had to disable selinux.

Did you update via "dnf system-upgrade" or through Gnome Shell/PackageKit? I tried the latter once and did not have a good experience.
