Try xprop - this will envoke cursor, click on the window that you can't close, this will show you in the terminal the pid , something like: _NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL) = 13344. Then  - "xprop | grep -i pid"  - this will show you the process too. Then something like "ps -ef | grep pid"

On 6/26/07, Mike McCarty < > wrote:
I use GNOME with FC2 and have encountered an odd circumstance.
I was running K3b to burn some images, and it popped up
some windows. When I shut it down, I killed the main window,
and one remained. It is a small window, and is blank (normal
background color for those windows). I can use the little buttons
on the frame the [-] [o] [x] just fine, except that it won't go
away. When I use the [-] box it does go on the task bar. But
when I use the [x] box, eventually the "Window is not responding,
[Cancel] or [Force Quit]" comes up. Selecting Force Quit does
not make the window go away. I cannot find any process associated
with that window using ps. I'm sure a reboot will fix this, but
I'd like to have some idea what is going on.

Thanks for your time.

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