El sáb, 02-02-2013 a las 21:41 +0100, Frédéric Bron escribió:
>             I've installed the LXDE spin.  But now I want to use KDM instead
> LightDM, because I find it more configurable.  The thing is that I've
> installed KDM but I can't find with what tool I will set it properly.  In
> previous versions, it was with  System Settings, but now I can't find it to
> install it and can't figure out what to do.
> Somebody would help me?  How I configure KDM?  How can I use it instead of
> LightDM?

you have to install system-switch-displaymanager
$ sudo yum install system-switch-displaymanager
$ sudo system-switch-displaymanager kdm



        Thank you very much!  That did the trick!
