Why is this not all automated on the net so there is a global Fedora database of SELinux AVC's. That intelligently ignores but tallies what is know to be a fault and highlights any new breaks ?
Oh, and I believe bugzilla is crap and needs replacing with something more user friendly. It took 4 attempts to make an entry each time loosing what I had typed and ended up with an incomplete entry in the end.
These two need to be combined. Also we need all error logs at startup to be beamed into our new "central control centre".
BTW. This is not an April fools joke.

On 21 April 2013 23:09, Steven Stern <subscribed-lists@sterndata.com> wrote:
On 04/21/2013 03:09 PM, Beartooth wrote:
>       Arora has just crashed. SELinux reports that I may be under
> attack and should report. I'm guessing it's a lot more likely SELinux is
> being needlessly paranoid. (I'm running F17, fully updated, and arora had
> a probably excessive number of tabs open.)
>       Is this guess plausible? What should I do?
What are the AVCs?  What is the exact wording of the message from SELinux?

-- Steve
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