On 12 Dec 2023, at 17:44, Sbob <sbob@quadratum-braccas.com> wrote:


I have installed Quemu/KVM/libvirt and I have it working, I was able to install a new Fedora VM using the ISO as the disk image.

Now I want to convert an existing VMWare workstation VM, here is the file listing in the Directory for the VM I want to convert:

$ ls /data/vmware/Dev-Fedora
Dev-Fedora-0.scoreboard  Dev-Fedora-s002.vmdk Dev-Fedora.vmsd     mksSandbox-2.log
Dev-Fedora-1.scoreboard  Dev-Fedora-s003.vmdk Dev-Fedora.vmx      mksSandbox.log
Dev-Fedora-7.scoreboard  Dev-Fedora-s004.vmdk Dev-Fedora.vmxf     vmware-0.log
Dev-Fedora-8.scoreboard  Dev-Fedora-s005.vmdk Dev-Fedora.vmx.lck  vmware-1.log
Dev-Fedora-9.scoreboard  Dev-Fedora-s006.vmdk mksSandbox          vmware-2.log
Dev-Fedora.nvram         Dev-Fedora.scoreboard mksSandbox-0.log    vmware.log
Dev-Fedora-s001.vmdk     Dev-Fedora.vmdk        mksSandbox-1.log

I tried this:

1) use qemu-img convert to convert the Dev-Fedora.vmdk file:

# qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 Dev-Fedora.vmdk Dev-Fedora.qcow2

this created the Dev-Fedora.qcow2 file

2) create a new VM with virt-manager and use the Dev-Fedora.qcow2 file as the disk image via the 'Import existing disk image' option

3) I start the new VM and I get 'No bootable devices found'

It is not just the disk that needs converting.
You also need to copy some settings.
In my notes I kept this https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/How_To_Migrate_From_Vmware_To_KVM


Thanks in advance

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