On 8/5/23 08:45, stan via users wrote:
On Fri, 4 Aug 2023 13:09:35 -0400 Robert McBroom via usersusers@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
Been having problems with f38 startup going to a blank screen with no response to the keyboard, mouse. Was using sddm as the display manager. Can get around it by by booting in terminal mode. Starting the graphical mode with xinit -- :0 and lxsession in the resulting xterm window. Get the following messages in the window--
The system is sthen somewhat usable but occasionally locks up. Is there a command to start a desktop environment before the session?
I always boot to multiuser / runlevel 3 and start X from there. For LXDE I use the following to put the correct command in ~/.Xclients echo 'exec startlxde' >> $XCLIENTS If you are always going to start LXDE, you should only have to do that once. Once that is in place, it is only necessary to run startx -- vt10 to put the desktop on F10, so that messages will appear on F1. You can just run startx if you want the desktop on F1.
I am using openbox as the desktop manager when I start LXDE (set in the LXDE configuration file, .config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf). I haven't tried sddm, it might just work if it is your default if you use the above procedure.
What shell are you using? In Bash--
~]$ echo 'exec startlxde' >> $XCLIENTS
bash: $XCLIENTS: ambiguous redirect
~]$ XCLIENTS="exec startlxde" ~]$ echo $XCLIENTS exec startlxde
~]$ cat .config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf [Session] window_manager=openbox-lxde disable_autostart=no polkit/command=lxpolkit clipboard/command=lxclipboard xsettings_manager/command=build-in proxy_manager/command=build-in keyring/command=ssh-agent quit_manager/command=lxsession-logout lock_manager/command=lxlock terminal_manager/command=lxterminal quit_manager/image=/usr/share/lxde/images/logout-banner.png quit_manager/layout=top
[GTK] sNet/ThemeName=Adwaita sNet/IconThemeName=Adwaita sGtk/FontName=Sans 10 iGtk/ToolbarStyle=3 iGtk/ButtonImages=1 iGtk/MenuImages=1 iGtk/CursorThemeSize=18 iXft/Antialias=1 iXft/Hinting=1 sXft/HintStyle=hintslight sXft/RGBA=rgb iNet/EnableEventSounds=1 iNet/EnableInputFeedbackSounds=1 sGtk/ColorScheme= iGtk/ToolbarIconSize=3 sGtk/CursorThemeName=DMZ-White sGtk/IMModule=ibus:xim
[Mouse] AccFactor=20 AccThreshold=10 LeftHanded=0
[Keyboard] Delay=500 Interval=30 Beep=1
[State] guess_default=true
[Dbus] lxde=true
[Environment] menu_prefix=lxde-