On 1/24/07, Jim Cornette <fc-cornette@insight.rr.com> wrote:
Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> Hi;
>   How to install FC6 without cdrom?  my cdrom is no longer
> working...floppy works, bios too old to boot from usb flash; computer
> does have usb though;
>   I've been trying to setup a ftp or http install but I haven't got that
> working yet either...

There's not much setting up involved with doing an http/ftp install.  Just remember to write down the address of a near by fedora mirror (http://fedora.redhat.com/download/mirrors.html) and the path to the os directory before you start, ie.

http://redhat.secsup.org/fedora/core/6/i386/os/  (or whatever architecture you have).

What I like about this install method is I don't waste blank CDs and I don't have to monitor the install and swap CDs when prompted.  I can start the process before going to bed, and it'll be done installing in the morning.  I haven't burned an ISO since FC3.

Also, I really hate CDs and I can't wait for the world to move on from this technology.


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