I believe this  message was sent in html, sorry, here is a plain text copy.     BobG

Paul Howarth wrote:
On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 15:48 -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
Paul Howarth wrote:
Bob Goodwin wrote:
What if I move the switch between the wireless bridge and this computer 
[box1, eth0]. It seems I should be able to tie the XP box5 into one of 
the four remaining ethernet ports on the switch and get both a route to 
the internet and between boxes via Samba.  Before embarking on that 
effort I would like more knowledgeable comment however.  I'm probably 
getting in over my head but I usually manage to muddle through such 
things eventually if they can be done.

You could do that and it would probably work. I personally prefer to
have my Windows boxes behind a Linux firewall, which is why I go for the
two-interface approach.

Ok, that will be my next project. 

I have been using Firestarter to setup the firewall for some time but 
could probably manage with Shorewall if necessary.

I can't compare the two really; I've never used Firestarter but am very
happy with Shorewall.


Firestarter is simpler to use, tells what it has blocked and allows ports to be opened in response to it's log.  It was one less thing to learn I guess, the path of least resistance ...

Thanks for your help.

Bob Goodwin