On 09/07/2014 06:29 PM, Bat Phil wrote:
After a weekend of installing and re-installing, I thought I would share what I have found:

Hardware setup:

AMD Semperon 300+ (old)
64MB AGP graphics card
160GB HD configured as follows.....
   500MB boot partition
   10GB swap partition
   142GB root partition
250GB HD configured at home partition

I have tried the following installs, in order:

Gnome desktop (64 and 32 bit) - desktop crashes at login and will not work
Mate desktop (64 bit) - works fine
Cinnamon desktop (64 and 32 bit) - desktop crashes as soon as I run an application
LXDE desktop (32 and 64 bit) - works fine but some warnings flashed when updating via YUM (something about unknown metadata)

I set up two user accounts, put some data in the home folders and configured Thunderbird on both accounts (did this on the Mate install). On subsequent installs, I mapped the home partition to my data drive and it mapped straight to the home directory structure previously set up - all the data is there, as are the e-mail settings and browsing history. All this without any further intervention.

Unfortunately, the current LXDE install won't let me create any additional users for some reason (despite having set my account up as administrator), so I can't yet confirm that my second account will also map to the pre-existing home folder for that user, but I have no reason to believe it won't.

I'll have another play when the new memory arrives, I still want to try Gnome and KDE, but I do like the look of Cinnamon so far (despite not being able to get it to work yet).

Many thanks to everyone who contributed their knowledge and opinions.


On 5 September 2014 21:22, Joe Zeff <joe@zeff.us> wrote:
On 09/05/2014 01:08 PM, Bat Phil wrote:
Best thing then is to set up a 2-drive system, put some non-critical
data files in the home directories and try it out then. Although
presumably, if I do manage to balls up the IDs and block the data, then
it's just a case of logging in as root and sorting out permissions??

Generally speaking, yes.  Even more important, be sure to back up /home before you start this, just to be on the safe side.
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say it could be that the graphics card isn't "strong" enough?...I mean 64MB?....I don't know off hand what the memory requirements are for a standard Gnome desktop...but I'm thinking it might need more than that?.I do know that I have machines with 256MB graphics and they run fine..but nothing under that....(so far!)....I dunno I guess if I'm wrong then no worries...since I'm not a "guru" or even a "professional" on any level! Just adding my two cents....