On 11/23/2011 12:02 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 11/22/2011 07:59 PM, Christopher A. Williams wrote:
...Actually, I know Larewnce. He's using the kmod-nvidia and
akmod-nvidia drivers from the RPM Fusion repository. He's also running
F16 x86_64 and used the standard methods published to install the
Oh, good.  As I said, I was guessing, largely because most people who 
haven't run across the fedoraforum aren't aware of the kmod/akmod method.
I am still not able to install the nvidia drivers. I have used the fedora forum using the akmod/kmod method and still I am getting no results. I have sent pictures of the screen after trying and the error message and no one seems to have a clue as to what is going on. Will somebody look into it? The only information I have found was that the iwl4965 firmware was messed up and will be fixed shortly. It has been more than 2 weeks and no results. I am a novice at this so I am unable to determine a course of action to resolve this problem. Please help someone.
Lawrence Graves All things are workable but don't all things work.