sometimes - rarely, but often enough - you only respond when there is sufficient noise

On Aug 8, 2012 12:01 AM, "Tim" <> wrote:
On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 19:34 -0700, Richard Vickery wrote:
> To "c)",  I must ask, how is a thread to get to get attention if,
> seemingly, everyone ignores it, when the answer is clearly - from my
> point of view - out here, yet no one will respond? My purpose in both
> cases was to get a wider audience and I succeeded. I may have caused
> some inconvenience between myself and the rest of this community, but
> I succeeded in drawing help to those who were asking where no one
> would have before.

People *do* respond.  Sometimes you/they don't have enough patience to
wait for it, don't expect instant responses.

Other people noticing isn't actually helping the original poster, if
*they* don't notice.  That's why you don't answer problems in a
different thread.

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