Today I noticed for the first time that I'm getting the following messages in /var/log/messages on one of my F19 systems.

Jul 23 10:55:03 terrapin kernel: [  122.662105] device p3p1 entered promiscuous mode
Jul 23 10:55:08 terrapin kernel: [  127.669312] device p3p1 left promiscuous mode

These messages occur every 5 minutes and last 5 seconds.

I have 2 other F19 systems running on the same network that do not show these messages.  The system that is seeing this problem is a Dell Inspiron 7537.

Anyone seen something similar?

I have attached the output of ps axlw in case someone can see which process might be doing this.

This problem seems to have started on July 6 based on looking at the old logs

[pgaltieri@terrapin Downloads]$ sudo grep promisc /var/log/messages-20140629 | wc -l
[pgaltieri@terrapin Downloads]$ sudo grep promisc /var/log/messages-20140706 | wc -l
[pgaltieri@terrapin Downloads]$ sudo grep promisc /var/log/messages-20140713 | wc -l
[pgaltieri@terrapin Downloads]$ sudo grep promisc /var/log/messages-20140720 | wc -l

Any help is appreciated.
