On 4 June 2011 20:11, Fernando Cassia <fcassia@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 10:07, Bill Davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com> wrote:
> Clearly this is a developing story, I just wanted to make the point that
> having two projects may thin the resources and reduce the progress of
> either. I'd like to believe that won't happen, but I suspect it will.

After all, the small group of vocal anti-Oracle guys led by Novell´s
Meeks reached their goal: killing the for-profit Staroffice commercial
roduct based on OpenOffice.org code (which Oracle had renamed "Oracle
Open Office" (notice the lack of ".org" in the name, which was still

Oh, look, it's Oracle's Mr. Cassia with his FUD again!

Dear sir, this time it took much too long for you to react properly; please make sure that you react faster, as it is proper and required from you.

[And please do work your story better; either Mr Meeks and his ghastly Novell troops are puny and insignificant – and unable to develop any software in a reasonable way OR they are so TERRIBLY COMPETENT, that even a huge corporation like Oracle was not able to compete with them and had to dissolve their brilliant troop of OpenOffice programmers; you can't really have this both ways and sound credible, you know.]
Miroslaw Baran