On Thu, Jun 7, 2018, 11:05 PM Samuel Sieb <samuel@sieb.net> wrote:
On 06/07/2018 10:00 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> That's such a goofy bug. It'd be fine to warn the user that /boot/efi
> is somewhere other than either /boot or /  -  just let them know the
> system won't boot if a device containing any of /boot/efi /boot or /
> are missing (which should be obvious but I'll set that aside).

It's not about where / or /boot are.  It's about where it expects the
system to boot from.  It's the same as where to put GRUB on a non-UEFI

That's even more ambiguous. It should have no such expectation on UEFI, because booting is explicitly set in NVRAM with efibootmgr. 

By default it will want it on sda, but you can go in there and
tell it to put it on sdb instead.

So you have to tell it where it goes twice. Once by explicitly setting device along with mountpoint n custom UI. And again in the hidden bootloader options UI.

Involving the user in bootloader stuff once is bad enough as it is. Twice is comedic.

Yes, I'm rembering this bug now. It's pretty old.

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