I guess I had tried to add lz4_compress to kernel install, but must have done something wrong.  Now with every kernel update I get: 

 Running scriptlet: kernel-core-5.8.6-201.fc32.x86_64                                         127/127
dracut-install: ERROR: installing 'lz4_compress'
dracut: FAILED:  /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install -D /var/tmp/dracut.mSA6DG/initramfs --kerneldir /lib/modules/5.8.6-201.fc32.x86_64/ -m lz4 lz4_compress

I previously created /etc/dracut.d/lz4.conf:
add_drivers+=" lz4 lz4_compress "

What am I doing wrong?

Those who don't understand recursion are doomed to repeat it