
As we are advancing toward to Fedora Hubs, and more great services are appearing in Fedora infra, I really wonder why don't we have more accessible services in Gnome Online Accounts, and how can I add more Fedora infra access points, and fetch data to my gnome shell, and/or use services.

When I think to my FAS registration, and subscriptions - would be awesome to manage my fedora feed subscriptions from my gnome control center, through gnome online accounts.

Same would be awesome to Fedora hosted git projects (pagure), fetching dates, meetings, and events to be populated on my Gnome shell desktop - similarly as adding a google account in online accounts - gives to me access to calendar, photos, documents, files. If I would be able to use an SSO service for Fedora infra services, and get messages, and data to desktop - that would be more effective to turn people to developers, as we message it always to our users. 

I know that many coders are doesn't care about desktop integration, but having this option IMHO would be beneficial to everyone in the community. I also noticed, that many people doesn't want deeply integrated services (because everything is in browser)... But what are you think? How do you see this? Every user can be potential developer, but do we only target the web with HUBs?


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