" sixpack13" wrote:
confusing I've checked that in my profil: no spaces, nowhere
thanks for quick response(s) !
I see them, too. I can't see it actually causing any technical problem, though. If someone sorts their mail by from addresses, that may cause some unusual sorting.
Email addresses are comprised of an email address, which the mail system uses, with some optional extras which it ignores, and are only there for people to read. There is a syntax to it:
e.g. Display Name <address> (description)
e.g. John Doe jd@example.com (managing director)
When the optional extras are used, the address should be enclosed in so-called pointy-brackets (actually the lesser-than and greater-than symbols), so the mail system can clearly identify what is the address from the rest. And the description in parentheses (as above). But your mail client should do this for you.
If the display name contains certain punctuation characters it needs to be enclosed in quote marks, but your mail client should automatically do that for you. Commas and semicolons, and some other characters have special meanings, so need delimiting.
e.g. "Doe, John" jd@example.com
If you're getting extra spaces where they're not expected, that could be coming from your mail client, check how you've entered your name and address. Or it could be coming from a profile setting on the mailing list.
You could try deleting and retyping the name, just in case there's an invisible character that doesn't show up when you check your settings, but does something when it goes through the system. If you haven't set a name, just an email address, and the mailing system is simply extracting the characters left of the @ sign to use as a name, *it* could be fouling up in an unexpected manner.