On 8 September 2012 18:38, Heinz Diehl <htd@fritha.org> wrote:

Upgrading F16 to F17 from DVD is one f*cking mess. Seriously.
Backup your data and do a fresh install. It will save you a lot of
time and hairpull.

Better yet, when you do the re-install set up some disk partitions so you can segregate the binaries from the data.  A separate /usr/ is a bit problematic at the moment, but it's worthwhile creating dedicated partitions for /home/ and /var/ - especially if you have website data, etc. in the case of the latter.

Once you've done that, you can nuke all the other partitions and re-install from scratch every time with the only pain being that you need to restore your configs.  Unless there are major version changes between release, that's usually just a case of restoring your old config file and restarting the daemon, although occasionally you are better starting over from scratch.

Backing up everything before the re-install is still advisable though.


The only person to have all his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe