On Mar 4, 2021, at 4:19 PM, Paul Smith <phhs80@gmail.com> wrote:

You can see a xnee-3.19-1.fc32.src.rpm there.  I typically use mock to
build these sorts of packages.

Another thing you could do is get your own COPR space and fork Spot's
xnee repos and build it there for Fedora 33.

Thanks, Jonathan. But how can I go from de src.rpm to the rpm? Have I
to install mock? Is that easy?


    dnf install mock


    mock /path/to/xnee-3.19-1.fc32.src.rpm

Mock will install the results in a subdirectory of /var/lib/mock, although it has multiple options to change its behavior, such as using —resultdir <path>.

I usually add myself to the “mock” group so I don’t need to enter a password to run mock as a regular user.

Jonathan Billings <billings@negate.org>