Am 24. Januar 2015 01:24:57 MEZ, schrieb "T.C. Hollingsworth" <>:
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:28 PM, jd1008 <> wrote:
I am using k3b, which incorporates cd-text.
Unfortunately, k3b insists on the presence of media in the device.

Check "Only create image" on the right-hand side of the Settings tab
of the final burn screen where it asks for a medium and all the
media-related options will be instantly greyed out. You can then set
the path of your virtual CD on the Image tab.


When creating an audio CD, this option only converts the audio files, mp3 e. g., to wave files. There is not a notion similar to an data cd "image" for audio cds, perhaps cue sheets, but that is a different story.