thank you  for answering me Ed,

I get this message (<gpg.errors.GPGMEError: GPGME: Invalid crypto engine>) after the
command  <sudo dnf upgrade --refresh>

in my opinion this is a problem connected to PGP ...
(...something about the keys usage---)

I know this tip, but not enough to do any serious control of the bug..

Thank you for your help


On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 10:21 AM Ed Greshko <> wrote:
On 04/10/2021 15:02, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
> Hi
> I get this error
> <gpg.errors.GPGMEError: GPGME: Invalid crypto engine>
> when I do the command :
> sudo dnf system-upgrade download  --releasever=34 --allowerasing
> I am not able to understand what is a Invalid crypto engine>
> (this happen when I try to update my computer to fedora 34)
> can get an help ?

Could you post more info?  It will show when the error message happens and should give a
clue as to what may be causing the issue.  Meaning, it may help understand if the issue is with
dnf, or with a repository.

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