On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 1:20 PM Samuel Sieb <samuel@sieb.net> wrote:
On 9/2/21 5:09 AM, Richard Shaw wrote:
> Just tried evtest and all the keys I tried worked except for Super.

That is very strange.  Nothing should be able to capture keys before you
read it there.  If you run "evtest" with no parameters, it will give you
a list of devices.

What is your keyboard?
What name does it have in the list?
Are there any other keyboards in the list?
When you select the keyboard, there is a list of events.  Do you see
LEFTMETA in that list?
Does the keyboard have two logo keys?  If so, does the right one work?
Do you have another keyboard to try?

HAH! It's a Corsair K55 RGB keyboard. I did try a second keyboard (cheap USB Acer I had laying around) and it worked!

So that caused me to look up the manual. There's a "Lock" button at the top which apparently specifically disables the Super key! Who would have thought?!?

Apparently it's system dependent though as the key did work when plugged into another computer.  
