On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 12:33 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Saturday 05 December 2009, Wayne Feick wrote:
>On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 11:30 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Folderol even.  My objection to LVM is two fold.
>> 1. It won't allow one to save things in the /home tree when doing an
>> upgrade or re-install.  I have an almost 10GB corpus of email, and
>> several scripts that are needed for my daily operations that need to be
>> preserved.  LVM makes that impossible.
>Can you elaborate? I use LVM on all my systems, and whenever I move to a
>new Fedora release I carry the old /home tree forward to the new

And just how do you do that?  The last time I tried to save /home, anaconda 
would not proceed until I checked the format it box.  As I'm an alpha test 
site for amanda, the recovery was doable and was done, but what kind of 
twisted reasoning gives anaconda the right to demand I destroy my data?
I usually just install with no separate filesystem for /home (i.e. it's part of /) and then once the install is complete I update /etc/fstab to mount my old /home filesystem on the new installation.