On Jun 11, 2014 6:13 PM, "Patrick O'Callaghan" <pocallaghan@gmail.com> wrote:
> On trying to boot the above kernel, I get a "Failed to start Load Kernel
> Modules" error. This appears to be caused by missing vboxdrv modules
> (from VirtualBox). Booting an earlier kernel works fine.
> Two comments:
> 1) I thought DKMS was supposed to rebuild the VBox modules for each new
> kernel automatically. This has happened in the past but seems to have
> failed now. Why would this be and how can I fix it?
> 2) The error message was unhelpful as it didn't identify which modules
> failed. It took some searching to find what the problem was. Surely this
> could be done better. (In fact I'd argue that failing to load these
> modules shouldn't result in a failed boot, but I realize that's maybe
> harder to deal with).
> poc
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Do you have RPMFusions's VB or the one from Oracle's repo? I found RPMFusion's build problematic as they provide modules through kmod. Akmod can automatically build modules for you.

So I have switched to Oracle's version. It comes with /etc/init.d/vboxdrv that you could run manually to build the modules using following command.

/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
