I  learned, just now, something about the use of SYSLINUX.
That it is interesting, and I would like to know if the utilities of SystemRescueCD are equivalent to use the SYSLINUX procedure...
(if they also allow
to intervene in the same way to repair to an HD permanently installed on the computer - Perhaps you don't know this very well... -you said it- ).

When we get (in some way) a working virtual kernel working on the RAM, how we can access to the real file system (that is stored on the HD of the computer) in order to intervene at its repair?


I am not also sure  about your last answer:
You say that I can type a kernel file name at the prompt boot, after I  clicked the key "escape"...
But, ...how it  continue  this work, after?
...what I can (...at the last...) gain, performing this procedure,  ??
... I am afraid do do it really.. and don't understand ...

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 12:47 AM, Chris Murphy <lists@colorremedies.com> wrote:
On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Angelo Moreschini
<mrangelo.fedora@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you to all of you,
> I learned many things that I yet did not know ...
> And also I have yet to explore issues ...
> Just I would still ask :
> we can get a linux kernel using SystemRescueCD
> (http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage) it is possible to fix any
> "rescue problem" in this environment?

Any problem is a very long list. I've never used sysresccd. I think
the goals of that project are quite purposeful, but also challenging,
depending on the problem.

As a very narrow scope example, its current version contains
btrfs-progs 3.17.1. But Fedora has had a 3.18.x version for nearly a
month, including 3.18.1 in stable now, and 3.18.2 (current to
upstream) since 3 days ago. So getting new things in Fedora itself are
pretty easy. I tend to use something like the Fedora live security
spin, and yum or dnf upgrade or install whatever tool I need.

>And, if it is possible to do, how we
> can achieve this purpose?

I don't understand the question. I'm not sure what you want to fix,
and any problem is simply too long a list to answer.

> what we can do with the prompt (boot : ) that comes when we type "escape"
> from the "iso installation disc CD" ?

Creating a Bootable Disk
"SYSLINUX will display a LILO-style "boot:" prompt. The user can then
type a kernel file name followed by any kernel parameters."

Chris Murphy
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