On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 2:27 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 2018-07-06 at 20:09 -0700, solarflow99 wrote:
> so it seems only lightdm works, using sddm just gives the black screen with
> a mouse pointer.  Going back to using multi-user.target, what is the
> correct way to start x-windows now?  I always used startx.
> I also see display-manager.service was enabled, that didn't seem to ever
> help though.

[Please don't top-post]

startx dates from the early days of X11. I'm sure some people still
find a use for it, but the usual setup just boots into the X
environment, normally via a desktop manager. Did you try just

ya, but i'm still interested to run X while still being in multi-user.target instead of graphical, surely there is a way to do that still isn't there?