One of my personal goals for 2021 is to make a good Linux video for newbies and post in on YouTube, and emphasize Fedora.

I am not satisfied with the dozens or hundreds of videos already available.

Most start with a biased against rpm-based distros, or are server-oriented and a bias against Gnome.

So what are some topics I should learn more about related to Fedora desktop applications and usage ?

First, I would start my video as to why choose Fedora over all the other rpm-based distros ?   Why not live in Mageia 7 or their 8 Beta ?     Or why not OpenSUSE ?   or why not OpenMandriva 4.2 RC1 ?

I would likely mention Fedora 33 has all the latest wayland functionality as Arch-based distros but without the drama of running vanilla-Arch or Manjaro or ArcoLinux.    Right ?

Feel free to email me privately,