Just trying out distrobox on F38.  I have 2 issues.  One is it won't run a container without root.  The other is I don't think it's actually working at all.

 distrobox enter ubuntu-20
Container ubuntu-20 is not running.
Starting container ubuntu-20
run this command to follow along:

 podman logs -f ubuntu-20

Error: OCI runtime error: unable to start container "46a0c000c02583c2d4c4fb1e329de7a0f1daddc1d4bc812e7d0e409a2a353a8b": crun: error `creating` systemd unit `libpod-46a0c000c02583c2d4c4fb1e329de7a0f1daddc1d4bc812e7d0e409a2a353a8b.scope`: got `failed`

Now try with --root
[nbecker@ubuntu-20 ~]$ apt-get
bash: apt-get: command not found

OK, is this really a container running ubuntu?  Doesn't seem to be, there's no apt-get.

Any ideas?
