Am 01.07.2012 12:21, schrieb n2xssvv.g02gfr12930:
On 07/01/2012 11:13 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 01.07.2012 05:41, schrieb suvayu ali:
Hey Reindl,

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
Woosh!  If you were of "a certain age," you'd have caught the reference instantly:
Woosh!  If you were of "a certain age" that not all members
of a english mailing list have english as native language
nor do the read books or see films in english and the also
do not recall the english wikipedia for any word someone says

Lighten up a little. Since we are all emailing in English and this is
the users' list, it should be fine to share a bit of English humour.
not if this "humor" is oyur only reply and not marked as such!
humor in emails is not working without any hint


YOU GUY leave me fuck in peace as long you have not
leant to use a mail-client and get rid of HTML mails

this was told you many times now

after your braindead argumentation in the thread
"Cannot find valid baseurl for rpmfusion repo"
you generelly better be quiet