snip of /etc/auto.cifs (edited for security)

tpolzin  -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,user=********\tpolzin,pass=***,sec=ntlmv2 ://**********************************

Snip of /var/log/messages after trying to cd to /cifs/tpolzin

Jan 29 13:57:12 voyager kernel: [22565.810964] Status code returned 0xc000000d NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
Jan 29 13:57:12 voyager kernel: [22565.810979] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -22
Jan 29 13:57:12 voyager kernel: [22565.811182] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22

If I remove the sec=netlmv2 I get complaints and the error code is a -13

Jan 29 13:59:30 voyager kernel: [22704.014185] CIFS VFS: default security mechanism requested.  The default security mechanism will be upgraded from ntlm to ntlmv2 in kernel release 3.3
Jan 29 13:59:30 voyager kernel: [22704.118135] Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
Jan 29 13:59:30 voyager kernel: [22704.118151] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
Jan 29 13:59:30 voyager kernel: [22704.118387] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13

In either case, the cd command itself returns no such file or directory.
Also interestingly enough root can mount this directory without an issue with the correct credentials.

Something is missing in autofs I believe.