ridan abid <vertelxml@yahoo.com> wrote: --- Mark Bidewell <mark.bidewell@alumni.clemson.edu> wrote:
> ridan abid wrote:
> >Mark,
> >
> >Thanks alot, I did everthing that you said. Worked
> >out, except when I get to the modprobe part.
> Exactly
> >what is it that I need to do. Do I just type in
> >*modprobe ndiswrapper* exactly like that. Or does
> it
> >vary what you modprobe.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> what error did you receive?  if any
I did not get any error. when i type in "modprobe
ndiswrapper" i don't recieve a response from the
terminal. so then i type in iwconfig and it says:
lo     no wireless extensions.

sit0     no wireless extensions.

Three things:
1) Next time try "modprobe -v ndiswrapper".  This will tell you where modprobe is finding ndiswrapper.
2) Immediately after #1, try "dmesg | less" and go to the bottom (shift g).  You will, hopefully, see some output from ndiswrapper attempting to load.
3) "lsmod | less".  Search for ndiswrapper ("/ ndis" is usually sufficient).