it was hidden behind a terminal window.  I was going to go back and try
to figure out was it was all about....but subsequently forgot about it.
Your post did enlighten me as to what happened as I now recall seeing
"akonadi" at some point.

But, I have been using the latest version of KDE for the past several
days...and I haven't been bothered or presented with the need to know
anything about MySQL.  I only now notice there is an instance of MySQL
running not taking up much resources.  I'm not sure it would have come
to my attention if you hadn't written your post.

Took a quick look at and on the surface
seems like a reasonable direction/idea.  So, not quite sure as to why
you may consider this to be a big issue.

... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror, and
you would not have been informed.

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I double that. Why should it bother a user if the akonadi interface takes care of all database operations. All the user has to do is fill in gui.

Rangeen Basu Roy Chowdhury
!!!Windows is "micro"-soft[ware]..I like bigger things!!!